The Importance of Time


I can write a book on the subject of time but for now I’ll just focus on a few instances I’ve encountered with myself and other situations from a business perspective and from a customers’.

Fast Food 

When I go to a particular fast food restaurant (Chic Fil A) I get great customer service every time, why? Because they pride themselves on getting the orders right in a timely manner and in most cases the staff get it right 99% of the time, they are consistent with service, time and flavor/freshness of food!  I call it a “well oiled machine” and they have an off day and still exceed other similar companies in revenue.  Which brings me to the importance of being…On time.

I can recall a time when I started my business and how I would be on time waiting for my  clients only to find them trickling in ten minutes, fifteen minutes late and how frustrated I’d be but never opening my mouth about how important and respectful it is for other people’s time.  As we get older we get bolder! LOL   As I grew in the business and being sick and tired one will rise up to the occasion and so will the client. 

I see it as teachable moments for both. When we settle for mediocrity we limit our possibilities however when we raise the bar we set a standard as we strive for excellence.  When we step up, demand respect it will become contagious as we reach one we teach one.  We model, We teach.  We teach folk how to treat us and when we don’t speak up, our lives become one of frustration and disappointment.  

From a business perspective I believe Time is “of the essence” time is money, time once gone is “no more” that minute, hour, day will not return. Tomorrow is not promised. Although if we live to see it tomorrow is another day, yesterday’s gone! This life began with a number and will end with a number but it’s what we do with the “time” between the two. So be careful what you do with and how you handle your “dash” of Time. 

19 thoughts on “The Importance of Time”

  1. This was definitely a amazing piece to share! Time is definitely something that we most times take for granted however I’m definitely going to be aware of what I do with this “dash of time” that God has graced me with!

    Jophon Steele


  3. Love your perspective on the precious value of time and how it should be respected all. Spot on!!

  4. Alesha, you couldn’t have said it any better. Time is so important, and it won’t wait around for anyone.

  5. Sharon Carrington

    I, too, value time. My time and the time of others. Therefore, I totally agree with what you’ve shared.

  6. I love it….. being on time is very important in every aspect of your life….The respect for time is soo important…… thanks for your wisdom and inspiration regarding Time….

  7. Congratulations ? This information is so true and very beneficial. Time is very valuable and short! Life is truly but a vapor!
    To God be the Glory!

  8. Beautifully written! Oh, how I’ve learned to value my time and how precious time is. Time is our most important and most valuable commodity. As you expound, once we spend our time, it is gone forever. So, we must spend it wisely and with purpose. Thank you for your wisdom!

  9. Alesha, I always knew that there was something more interesting in your future. This is it.I see where the Lord has brought you from to where he is guiding you to. You have done a great job and is leading you to bigger and better things. Well Done!

  10. GM Alesha! I absolutely love, love, loved your opening website! You are an anointed woman of God with a remarkable gift of wisdom. The wisdom you have shared with those of us who have had the honor of sitting in your chair, will now be shared with the world to help thousands. Thank you for coming clean in 2019! And for letting us know the importance of on-time and that time should be spent wisely. Keep empowering us with your words of knowledge, wisdom, and strength.

  11. My thing is timING. Timing is everything. The difference in the yes or no. The best way to time it right is to be prepared. Good lesson tho. Chik fila did get it right!

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