Children and Hair Combing
Mom, (Dad) I know that you’re probably very busy but parents, most of our children are not ready to be totally in charge of combing their own hair at age ten! One of the most common mistakes made by children combing their own hair is that they more than likely will never detangle or comb the roots (the hair closest to the scalp). In most cases the child is tender headed and will simply graze over the tangled area, put that hair in a ponytail and out the door they go. I’ve seen too many young girls with matted hair from lack of experience in caring for and combing their hair. There is an art to combing hair. Listen to me, we only get one head of hair when we’re born and that’s it. Now of course we can buy hair but let’s save that for another talk because we’re talking about the children for now. LOL Typically the cycle of growing a new “head of hair” is 4-7 years although we don’t actually see it nor do we try to calculate the pace and length of the hair. Which brings me back to the child combing hair. I truly believe many moms/dads are missing out on some valuable, priceless moments that can be treasured by something as simple as combing and styling hair and it’s called bonding time. Being a great parent requires spending quality time with our children whether it’s helping with homework, playing games outside, engaged in a conversation without the music in the car while listening to them talk about their interests and what went on at school and yes great conversations during a “hair combing” session. A great approach to an independent child who wants to comb their own hair is to show them how and you can be an assistant making sure the hair is shampooed, conditioned and detangled properly then allow them to finish it then sit back and marvel at their work and Give ‘em a high-five on the job well done. They will forever remember the bonding time and precious moments you’ve created now give yourself a pat on the back because you took the time to show some love and that you care about the development and wellbeing of your child.
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